Get Industrial Development In East Asia A Comparative Look at Japan Korea Taiwan and Singapore (Economic Development Growth) (Economic Development and Growth)
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Book Details :
Published on: 2008-11-06
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Original language: English
This book presents a broad descriptive and quantitative evaluation of industrial policies in four East Asian economies -- Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore -- with a special focus on Singapore. The book offers a comprehensive overview of the discussions on the concept of industrial policy within the East Asian context and quantitative assessments of these policies through productivity analyses and CGE modeling, especially where Singapore is concerned. It demonstrates evidence for the positive role of industrial policies and government activism in welfare improvements and industrial development. Contents: Industrial Policies in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan; Industrial Policies in Singapore; A Comparison of Industrial Policies in Singapore with Those in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan; Labor Productivity and Labor Reallocation: The Singapore Case; Total Factor Productivity and Resource Reallocation; Productivity Growth and Resource Allocation: An International Comparison of Singapore with East Asia; A CGE Model for the Singapore Economy; Policy Experiments for Japan, Korea, and Singapore. Economic Issues 1 -- Growth in East Asia - IMF Other Titles in this Series. Growth in East Asia What We Can and What We Cannot Infer Michael Sarel 1997 International Monetary Fund September 1996 Japan the Forgotten Protectionist Threat The Huffington ... In the 1980s Japanese industrial policy was the object of intense American interest which has since waned due to the deliberately cultivated ... The World Factbook Central Intelligence Agency Smaller of the two Merlions (lion head and body of a fish) along the Singapore River. The word "Sing" comes from the Malay word for lion; thus the city is often ... East Asia and the United States: Current Status and Five ... East Asia and the United States: Current Status and Five-Year Outlook. September 2000 Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia Purpose. As set out in the ASEAN Declaration the aims and purposes of ASEAN are: To accelerate economic growth social progress and cultural development in the region. Philippines - Wikipedia The Philippines was named in honor of King Philip II of Spain. Spanish explorer Ruy Lpez de Villalobos during his expedition in 1542 named the islands of Leyte ... Latest Topics ZDNet Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews Tech Industry Security Hardware Apple and Windows ASEANs Industrial Structures: Currency Turmoil Spawned by ... Foreword In this article we will investigate the causes of the currency turmoil by considering two questions. First how did the industrial structures of Asian ... Third World Economic Development by Clive Crook: The ... Economic Growth. Entrepreneurship. Investment. Capital Flight. EconTalk podcast: William Easterly on Growth Poverty and Aid. February 11 2008. Hosted by Russ Roberts. An Analysis of Peacebuilding Approaches in ... - Asia Society Mohammed Ehsan Zia Norwegian Church Aid . This paper is taken from chapter three of Peacebuilding in Afghanistan: International Rhetoric Local Reality; The ...
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